In 1870, G.Buton & C, the first Italian distillery to be interested in producing liqueurs based on coca leaves, launched the exotic Coca Buton on the market under the name “Elixir Coca Buliviana”.
This original liqueur soon became very famous in Italy and abroad for the numerous properties attributed to it: the ability to boost strength, revive the mind, awaken the appetite and facilitate digestion.
There was an authoritative name upholding these claims, that of the famous doctor and anthropologist Paolo Mantegazza, who defined Coca Buton as "the pride of Italian liqueurs".




The coca leaves, processed separately from the other aromatic herbs, are macerated for a short time in a high-alcohol hydro-alcoholic solution before the distillation phase in a 1,000-litre alembic still.
During distillation, the cocaine molecule is eliminated and both the head and tail parts are discarded, retaining only the finest and most valuable part, the heart of the distillate, a condensate of the aromatic properties of the raw material. At the end of each distillation cycle, the used leaves that remain in the boiler are placed in containers, then sealed and sent to the incinerator under strict supervision of the competent authorities. The other aromatic herbs that make up the Coca Buton recipe are macerated individually for a short period and subsequently distilled.
The final stage of the preparation of the liqueur is the blending of all the ingredients of the recipe.
Coca Buton, with its unmistakable bright green colour and a unique and exotic taste, is still produced today following the ancient recipe. It is the only Italian liqueur made from coca leaves of Peruvian origin, carefully selected to guarantee excellent quality and distilled with an artisanal method to extract only the most valuable parts, rich in aromatic properties.
An authentic recipe with unmistakable taste and colour.
Alc/Vol. 36,5%

Emerald green, intense, brilliant.
The main note is alcoholic, followed by extremely herbaceous/vegetal and balsamic notes (eucalyptus, mint and mountain herbs), with an extremely effervescent and ethereal finish of essential oils of fresh green and yellow citrus fruits.
Decidedly sweet, with a silky and velvety consistency, with mainly herbaceous/vegetal and delicate floral notes due to the coca leaves, with black tea with bergamot (Earl Grey), mallow and citrus peel standing out; the finish is moderately bitter.

Slightly sparkling drink with a fresh and lively taste, in which the soft tones of Coca Buton meet the aromatic notes of lemon and the vivacity of the tonic. This modern variation of Gin Fizz, famous since the mid-18th century, is ideal for any time of day.
6 cl Coca Buton
2,5 cl lemon juice
1,5 cl sugar syrup
top up with tonic
Shake Coca Buton with lemon juice and liquid sugar, pour into the glass with ice, complete with a top up of tonic.
Glass and garnish
Serve in a highball and garnish with a lemon wedge.
The traditional way of tasting Coca Buton is straight and cold in a small glass. The liqueur has been frequently imitated over the years, so much so that, in the early twentieth century, the G.Buton & C. distillery started to affix a red silk ribbon on the neck of the bottles to certify their authenticity. Today, we wrap them around the glass as a guarantee of the beverage's excellence.
5 cl Coca Buton
Pour in ice cold Coca Buton.
Glass and Garnish
Serve in a small glass.

In 1900, as proof of its excellence, Coca Buton was awarded the prestigious "Grand Prix" medal at the Paris Universal Exhibition and, over time, numerous other awards.
Because of numerous counterfeit products due to the popularity enjoyed by the Distillery, it was decided that a red silk ribbon would be affixed on the neck of the bottle to certify its authenticity.
During the years straddling the Second World War, Coca Buton could be found everywhere in the Italian press, especially the sports pages.
The iconic image published in the "Gazzetta dello Sport" of Fausto Coppi and Gino Bartali immortalised in front of a bottle of Coca Buton dates back to 1940, on the occasion of the Giro d'Italia: "In the hardest moments of this Giro, Coca Buton has always restored my energy and vigour", said Coppi, giving further impetus to the liqueur's fame.
Between the late 40s and 50s, many different bottles of Coca Buton were distributed, marked with the Star Seal guaranteeing the product's authenticity, and still today these bottles are keenly sought after by international collectors.
Between the 70s and 90s, due to its one-of-a-kind exotic character, Coca Buton represented an elegant choice for lovers of fine beverages, enjoyed straight or mixed.